WWW #40 – Robots – Text #1

Copper Limbs


Walking towards you I feel

Like a robot chained in pain

Following a path programmed

For my copper limbs to climb


Walking towards you I feel

Like a fallen queen who lost

The battle for her own heart

Voiceless tower with no sound

And Now

You’re tearing me apart.

A rabid dog

Lashing on its bone.

Our love

Our love is gone Continue reading

WWW#36 – Broken – Text#2

Eyesight Readjustment

by B. 

Sometimes, when all hope seems lost, and you are left there
Staring at this man-made, senseless, chaotic mess.
All you need to do is shift focus, walk further,
Step back. Look beyond the borders of your picture.

Choose a new standpoint, focus on the elements
Move things around as you please. Fly them up and down. Continue reading

WWW #38 – Escape – Text #1

Red Ocean

by B. 

She was standing alone
Thinking about her boy at home
Assembling in her mind
A list of groceries
She could not afford to buy.

Sitting by the window,
He takes a deep breath,
Closes his eyes and boom!
He is at the station,
Hopping on a train.


His destination takes
But a second to reach.
He is now sitting in the sand,
Listening to the waves,
Breathing in the ocean.


She comes in.


He was waiting for her.

Continue reading

WWW#30 – Scarf – Text #1

Le Foulard

Texte original, écrit par B. screen-shot-2016-12-23-at-21-50-49


Elle regardait à l’horizon.

Le dos légèrement courbé,

Les coudes appuyés sur la balustrade.


Elle avait l’air pensive,

A la fois résolue et épuisée,

Plongée dans l’abysse de l’univers qui l’entourait


L’aspirait et l’entrainait avec elle

Sans qu’elle soit en mesure de naviguer,

De contrôler la direction que sa vie prenait.


Elle ferma les yeux un instant,

Et prit une grande inspiration.

Elle les rouvrit, grand.


Elle fit un tour sur elle-même,

Puis deux, puis trois,

Elle virevoltait à présent. Continue reading