Interview With A Writer – #1

Hey Guys,

We have been saving a few gems for you for quite some time now. With the spirit of the end of year festivities backing up our sails, it feels like the best time to let such gifts wash out to your shores.

Here comes the first of those anticipated jewels, a delightful interview with one of our beloved authors. You know her from her text Styla (WWW#11 – Werewolves – Text#5).

Without further ado….

Meet – Heather Polk, a.k.a. Artofself


–       Could you tell us a few words about yourself? (Introduce yourself – where do you come from? – Where do you live? – What do you do for a living? – any dreams, aspirations? – …. )

My real name is Heather Ann Polk. My nickname is Bug or Hettybug. I love nicknames-my entire immediate family uses them. I am a prolific dabbler who hales from Baton Rouge Louisiana. I work for a construction company called Turner Industries where I manage job site costs. That may sound boring, but it can truly be a challenging job. My dream is to one day become a published, bestselling author and to travel the world with a man that I truly love.  I deeply and passionately feel that life should be tasted at every opportunity, but more importantly, shared with someone. Go out and find that someone to share life’s great experiences with!!



–       If there were one book you could recommend to our readers, which would it be?

As I read that question I laughed. My favorite book changes all of the time. Not only that, I’m always behind everyone else in reading the good ones.  For now though, my recommendation would have to be the Inferno series by Sylvain Reynard. I absolutely love, love those stories.

–       Is there a book you read that you think changed your life somehow or spoke to you in a way that no other book did?

I can’t say that I’ve read any life-changing books, but I have read a book called The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer that has given me a different perspective on viewing and questioning who I really am.

–       Would you mind sharing with us one of your favorite quotes? Continue reading

Garry Vakarian’s Autobiography

Unfortunately just a part time writer thanks to a time consuming job, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it!

My writer’s focus is on short stories set in cyberpunk worlds, heroic fantasy or a mix of both. Usually I like to connect them to our world, because I’m too lazy to create a new setting ex-nihilo.

Also setting my stories in our known realm helps me a lot, because I like to picture them first rather than start from words. I like to give as much details as possible so readers can “see” what I’m writing on about. Though giving too many details or information can kill the narrative, and I’m struggling with it sometimes.

My work is heavily inspired by anime shows, video games or movies around those themes, so my creativity is somewhat a byproduct of mashing all those influences in my head.

My next step will involve history-fiction but for now, they’re just few doodles in the corner of my brain trying to connect together. For now my mind is full of lovey-dovey stuff about relationships and exotic travels (that’s better than thinking about solitude and depression, if you ask me). All I can share is a title so here we go, [ahem]:

Saoporo! or How World War Three Became the First Fantasy War.

That’s all for now but I can’t end without crediting a very dear friend of mine who introduced me (again) to the art of writing, the one and only Hailie Andersen

Read her stuff, it’s really good!

L’Autobiographie de François1986

Qui se cache derrière ce pseudo?

Je suis un passionné. Depuis mon plus jeune âge (oui j’ai pas quatre-vingt quinze ans, mais les années défilent tellement vite qu’avant le dernier jour de deux mille seize, je rentrerai dans ma quatrième décennie, à vous de deviner mon âge!), je suis passionné par les milieux aquatiques et tout ce qu’on trouve dedans, les poissons, les crustacés, leurs écosystèmes…

Continue reading

B.’s – a.k.a. Hailie Andersen’s – Autobiography

About B. / A Propos de B. (a.k.a. Hailie Andersen) 

1. Who Am I? / Qui suis-je? 

I am an infectious bubble of happiness, a life lover and a tall feisty little thing with curly hair and big brown eyes.

Je suis une bulle d’énergie positive contagieuse, une amoureuse de la vie, une grande petite chose pleine de vie avec des cheveux bouclés et des grands yeux marrons.


2. Mug’s Tale and I / Mug’s Tale et moi

Contact me:

I am the creator and the administrator of this blog. I first came up with the idea for this Continue reading

Ninefifteen’s Autobiography

About Ninefifteen

Lire en français

Once upon a time I met this incredible, multi-talented artist: B. She came up with the amazing idea of this blog. And I just had to get on board!

B., thanks for this project, and thanks for being you.

Before that I  was basically a passionate writer. I found out writing was great when I was nine and even though I appreciate other forms of art – especially music – writing definitely suits me best.

Other than that, Continue reading